January 29, 2016

Download Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

Download Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare DEMO 


Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is the fourth title of a series recognized by the cinematic appeal of one of the bloodiest wars the world has ever seen: the Second World War.

This time, however, the trenches and the allied troops gave way to the tactical combat of the modern armies and the fight against terrorism.

Some salient features of the series are present, such as tactical and dramatic appeal of the fighting - marked by effects that make the player feel in the middle of the conflict. Others, like the sound of terrible JU-87 Stuka bombers pouring death from the sky, give way to mosques and suicide bombers among the Western armies trying to bring freedom and democracy to a nation of religious fanatics.

Shoot anything without first thinking

First of all, Call of Duty is a game that requires thinking, so it was expected that the tactical action was omnipresent. With revamped gameplay, the player can attend various combat zones. For example, you can participate in rescue missions, be a sniper, invade local at war with a Blackhawk helicopter and retain terrorist attacks.

The differences compared to previous games, are not purely chronological, as the gameplay itself is altered, emphasizing teamwork and strategic and tactical thinking player instead of unbridled fighting and spirit "army of one-man" .

Declared war

Mixing strategy with explosive action, the game achievement not only fanatics war but also cracked by shooters. Moreover, production is commendable, since the game has stable physics, top notch graphics, shadow effects and brightness determined and finally a consecrated soundtrack and indispensable for lifetime achievement.

Get ready for a bloody battle

The demo brings to stage The Bog, in which it takes control of Sgt. Paul Jackson, Force Recon, in a chaotic scene in Russia. The main objective is to protect the M1 Abrams tank, but for this, you must enter one of the buildings next to the vehicle, using night vision goggles.

After eliminating all the enemies in the building and the surrounding area, it's time to catch the guided missile Javelin FGM-148 (the same used in the Iraq War in 2003) and set off some enemy tanks that are a little further away, on a bridge .

Further, it needs to keep the Russians away from the M1-Abrams, otherwise, they explode. And here appears the moment of greatest action of the demo, with dozens of enemies appearing everywhere, in a setting that offers several locations for protection, although some more flimsy barriers do not provide the necessary coverage. Again, after eliminating the enemies and blow a huge Russian arms, it's time to call the air support and wait for further orders.

The demo version focuses on aspects most longed for fans of the franchise: weapons and modern equipment such as submachine guns, rifles, powerful Javelin and night vision goggles. The realistic graphics with stunning lighting effects, when they occur explosions - and explosions occur all the time - and the deafening sounds coming from all sides make this demo version, itself a must.

The beauty of the battlefield

Call of Duty 4 has an engine that brings advanced settings such as dynamic lighting, shadow effect and depth of field. There is a system that calculates the penetration of bullets and reducing your speed on the elements of the scenario, taking into account its texture and thickness - which makes the player think twice before protect behind a thin wall, fences wood or even in a car, which can explode at any time while you are on fire.

The graphic quality excels in light effects, especially when explosions occur on a large scale, illuminating the whole scenario. In addition, the game has a very detailed and realistic environment with very different textures. The characters are also portrayed with fastidiousness on his clothes and facial expressions, moving naturally to run and jump, for example.

But the big highlight is the sound quality, which, in this demo is simply stunning, which generates very high expectations for the final game. All the simultaneous sound of the voices of the companions, the radio, the enemies of flying and falling helicopters and of course the shots and explosions on a large scale, make the player feel right in the battlefield.

The game uses including latest features in shooting games such as to produce a loud noise, as if it had burst eardrums, when an explosion very close to the character - which gives a high degree of realism to the experience.



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